The traditional bulbs that have served the world so well over the last several decades are now inefficient and expensive to run. Hence, most people find the need to turn to energy-efficient bulbs.

Initially, people were reluctant to switch to energy-efficient bulbs because they were slow to light up, expensive, and rather too bright. However, modern energy-efficient bulbs are quickly finding their way into most homes. And whether you like it or not, one thing is for sure; energy-efficient bulbs are here to stay.

Energy-efficient Bulbs Prices

Energy-efficient bulbs seem expensive at first glance. However, if you think of the price of the bulb over their lifetime and the electricity that they will use during this time, you understand why they are far more affordable than traditional bulbs in the long run.

While traditional tungsten bulbs can barely last for a year, energy-efficient bulbs last up to 12 years. What’s more, energy-efficient bulbs consume just below a third of the electricity that traditional bulbs need.

Energy Efficient Bulbs Brightness

Some users claim to have bought energy-efficient bulbs that turned out to be too bright; giving off a harsh white light. However, this is because energy-efficient bulbs come in many options.

To avoid choosing a bulb that is too bright for you, always check the product’s package carefully. Make sure to choose the type of light that suits your needs. You can either choose a very white light( at 3500 Kelvins), a 3000 Kelvins light that is quite similar to traditional halogen light or a 1500 Kelvins light which is like the old style tungsten bulb.

You should also check the packaging for descriptions like ‘cool white’ or ‘cool blue’ to ensure that the white or blue light will not be bright for you.

Types of Energy Efficient Bulbs

There are different types of energy-efficient bulbs to choose from. They include

1. CFL Light Bulbs

These are the most common energy-efficient bulbs on the market. They are little and have a curly design and are what most people think of when hunting for energy-efficient lights.

2. Home LED Light Bulbs

These are energy-efficient bulbs that are quickly gaining popularity and may overtake the CFL lights with time.

3. Dimmable CFL Bulbs

These provide a solution to those people who want to switch to energy-efficient bulbs but have dimmer switches in their homes.

The truth is that energy-efficient lights are cheaper than traditional light bulbs in the long term. In fact, energy-efficient bulbs should pay for themselves within 12 months.

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